iPhone Color Correction App from The Mill

Yes, you read that correctly, The Mill has released a free iPhone application that allows the user to apply looks or emulate primary color grading tools found in a grading suite. The app has preset looks like “golden” and “bleached” as well as controls for lift, gain, gamma and saturation that can be applied across RGB or to individual channels.

They also have set up a “Mill Colour Image Gallery” on Flickr where you can submit images and the colourists will pick the best image every three months and award prizes.

More info from the help files, where to find the app and the Flickr group, and some screen shots after the jump.

The application has a read me file that comes up when you first launch the program, here is an excerpt:

Mill Colour has been designed by our team of Colourists to emulate primary grading within a high-end digital grading suite.

The application can be used both as a professional shoot-tool to set reference looks on location and also for fun to manipulate any photo taken on the iPhone or imported to the iPhone picture library.

You can find Mill Colour by searching in the App Store from your iPhone or here is a link that will open iTunes to the app in the store. The Flickr Group can be found by visiting this link.

I’m sure there will be a lot of chatter about this app on the various forums around the net as well as on twitter, we thought we’d show you a few quick screen grabs:

The Original Image
The Original Image
Bleached Look
Bleached Look
Gain, Red
Gain, Red

(original image was taken in the neon graveyard in Las Vegas as part of a photography course offered in a previous term at fxphd.com)

Home Screen
Home Screen
Helpful Hints Screen
Helpful Hints Screen

15 thoughts on “iPhone Color Correction App from The Mill”

  1. I know this makes me a jerk to point out but:

    1. the before picture is way better looking than the two after pictures above.

    2. The “Bleached” look is clearly emulating a Bleach Bypass process which, as its name suggests, is the look you get when the negative is not bleached.

  2. The point of posting the images was not to show my mastery of this app or a creative use of it. I posted to show those without iPhone or iPod Touch quickly what the app looked like.

    But I did take the original photo so I’ll take your praise for that away from your comment. 🙂


  3. this comment has nothing to do with the app…which looks very fun whilst on the subway

    but nonetheless I agree completely with Dixon…often poor composites will be treated with some whack color treatment, and it really doesn’t help…i always think the original looks much better..maybe slightly crushing the blacks helps…

    but way off topic..thought I would throw my 2 cents in there anyway 🙂

  4. Pingback: ChurchTechTalk » Blog Archive » Episode 171

  5. Pingback: Mill colour, the new and free color correction iPhone App from The Mill | Marc Pampols

  6. I just want to know why this is not compatible with first gen ipod touches??????? Im not spending $300+ because people want to phase out the 1st gen hardware…..is there an actual difference or is it just a fake requirement?

  7. anyone understand the whole “elastic band” concept? does this mean touch and drag on the image or touch and hold down while spinning the horizontal wheel at the bottom? also, too bad there is no quick way to reference the original image quickly against your new CC without resetting. that would be a nice addition. also it would be great if we could have individual ranges like Hilites, mids and darks. besides that – it’s pretty cool!!! hat’s off to the genius at the Mill who created this!

  8. When I first read the description I also imagined some sort of interface where you interacted with the “elastic band” but I think they were just trying to explain how an adjustment affects a histogram.

  9. Ha.What timing.
    Co-incidentally i just started my journey into iphone dev today 😛
    Nifty.Thanks Jeff.


  10. Very nice! Definetly more useful and handy than any other so called color correction app on the iPhone AND it’s for FREE!

  11. Nice work!! Now every marketing manager can color correct pictures of his wife and then send it to you as reference. Oh, oh, wait, better idea – let it output LUTs, send them to GradeOMatic and we don’t need overpaid grading artists anymore.

  12. Thanks everybody, I will pass the comments to the rest of the team.

    Rob, i will pass your comment it is not compatible with the first generation of ipod touch (we tested on iphone 1st generation but can’t guarantee on the ipod) in order to fix it.

    thanks again and hope yous can send us feedback to keep improving the tool.

  13. Pingback: Walkthrough: how Matthew Seydel Connors combines iPhone painting apps in ‘Shiva Rising’ | fingerpainted.it

  14. ROB – No this wont work with the iPod touch 1st gen. When programs do say -not compatible with 1st gen, they mean it. Sorry :\
    I just got a 2nd gen with a laptop purchase (had a first gen since release) and it’s a lot faster than the 1st gen. The reason it wont work is because the parts inside are slightly dated and need a faster processor to run current apps. So it’s really not a software issue as a hardware issue.

  15. Pingback: Why Color Correct Your Film? | Filmmaking Central - The Process of Filmmaking

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