Predictinator wrong (!!!): Interstellar wins – Congrats!

Interstellar has won this year’s visual effects Oscar. Congratulations to Paul Franklin, Andrew Lockley, Ian Hunter and Scott Fisher, who combined scientific research, computer graphics, miniatures and practical effects to tell Christopher Nolan’s space tale.

Just for the record … in the vfxshow podcast on the Oscar race, none of our panel predicted this, including Todd himself … but seriously perhaps this only goes to show how hard it is to write or design a predicting vfx Predicinator.

takes home the oscar!
DNeg and New Deal take home the Oscar!

Check out our coverage of the film in these fxguide pieces:

Interstellar: inside the black art

Real and raw: the miniature fx behind Interstellar

fxpodcast #286: Paul Franklin on Interstellar