1st Annual VES Awards Winners

The winners of the 1st Annual Visual Effects Society Awards…


New Version 5/8 QuickTime Tutorial Available

Our first version 5/8 tutorial is now available online. It is an overview of getting around the new and improved batch.

Click here to view the tutorial


Announcing nucoda Data Conform

nucoda Announces World’s First PC-Based Full-Resolution Pre-vis Tool for Film Incorporating Truelight Colour Cube Technology and Timeline Editing


Visual Effects Oscar Nominees

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced the nominees for the 75th Academy Awards®. The nominees in the Visual Effects category are…


Max-T’s Sledgehammer NAS and HD!O

Sledgehammer is a new network attached storage (NAS) system that provides a very fast shared storage resource for any facility. Clients simply mount the Sledgehammer and access its contents over an ethernet network. The newest release, Sledgehammer HD!O also incorporates SD/HD video I/O and playback capabilities.


Announcement: fxguide 5/8 event at NAB 2003

As part of NAB 2003, fxguide will host a live advanced user session – specifically focused on last month’s breakthrough releases of Inferno 5.0 and Flame/Flint 8.0. The event is scheduled prior to the Discreet 2003 User Group on the Sunday at NAB, allowing users to go the FXG event in the afternoon before the User Group. Special thanks to our sponsors Discreet and sgi, who were kind enough to help make this event possible. More details…


XStoner Software Focus

Xstoner is a product for Discreet advanced effects and editing systems from Light, Inc., designed to make networking, transfer and conversion of images to/from PCs and Discreet Stone systems much faster and simplified. A PC version is currently in release, with a Mac version expected in Q1 2003. We asked the developers to provide us with an overview of the software…their story follows.


Discreet Releases 5.0/8.0 Effects Software

Discreet has announced it is releasing its new version of software (inferno 5 and flame/flint version 8. The software contains lots of great new features and fxguide will be focusing on tips and tricks in the new software. We’ve also started up a special section in the Forums area for discussing the new software. All of us have been running the software for the last several months and will be glad to share any help or information we can. Read on for the Di


Visual Effects Society Awards 2002 Nominees

The Visual Effects Society will hold the 1st Annual VES Awards in February, nominees were announced today….


New Combustion Training Book Now Shipping

The FIRST “third-party” Discreet Combustion v2 Training Book is shipping and has already received excellent reviews. The book was authored by Jack Pfeiffer, newly appointed fxguide editor and moderator for Combustion. He works in Denmark for MCI Videotronic as a Demo Artist, Trainer, and Systems Engineer and was the founder of the Danish Discreet User Group.


Discreet and Colorfront alliance for Digital Grading.

Discreet has entered into a strategic alliance with ColorFront, a privately-held software company based in Hungary, to jointly develop, market and sell a powerful new generation of digital color correction systems.

FXGuide has an exclusive interview with Maurice Patel, Discreet Systems Product Marketing Manager, and Product Manger Bill Roberts of Discreet about what this means to the visual effects and color grading communities.


Combustion 2.1 launch at Macworld

Fxguide caught up with Discreet’s Peter Moxom and John Worthington to discuss the new directions for Combustion.

John Worthington is at MacWorld this week launching version 2.1 of Combustion. This version is not only a new release, but is now being dramatically reduced in price.

UPDATED Jan. 9, 2003


Visual Effects Oscar 2002 – 7 considered films announced

The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences today announced the seven films being considered for Achievement in Visual Effects for the 75th Academy Awards®…


Centropolis FX closes and Matrix work moves shop

Centropolis FX based in Los Angeles closed its doors on Tuesday, December 17th 2002, according to CGChannel.

Centropolis FX was working on the Matrix Reloaded (Scheduled for release May 15), it is understood that this work has moved to Sony ImageWorks.


A look at Ultimatte – AdvantEdge

Ultimatte has always pulled one of the best blue/green screen keys, hands down. If there was a complaint it was never quality, it was likely the learning curve and number of controls that required tweaking. AdvantEdge answers that by offering a new user interface that helps produce the expected great results with less struggle, while maintaining the full controls for fine adjustments. We took a look under the hood at this great new advance in plug-in keyer


Speedsix Announces 5D Plug-ins Acquisition – UPDATED

Updated with information about support for inferno 5/8 and Digital Fusion 4 and as well as other info.

Speedsix Software has announced their purchase of the the sparks and plugins assets from the 5D liquidation. Hopefully we’ll have more information shortly, but in the meantime you can check out their press release….


Exclusive Interview: Discreet Purchases Several 5D Assets

Rumors have been flying around the industry regarding the future of 5D technology and assets. What’s happening to the sparks? What about Cyborg? As we first speculated back in October, Discreet certainly did end up having an interest in some of the former company’s assets. Fxguide had the great opportunity to chat with Maurice Patel, Discreet Systems Product Marketing Manager, regarding Discreet’s purchase of several 5D assets and how those assets fit into


5D’s Assets Sold

You can read the background here first about the disappointing demise of 5D Solutions, Ltd.

We’ll be posting an exclusive report early on Wednesday morning regarding this story as soon as we’re able to publish. The rumor mill has been swirling since the weekend regarding the purchase of 5D’s assets…..


Artist in Action: ROBOTA – Doug Chiang and Sparx*

He designed the Battle Droid, Destroyer Droid, Naboo starfigher, Watto, and the Jedi gunships. So what was so cool, so great, that it dragged designer Doug Chiang away?

FXGuide caught up with Doug Chiang and the team at SPARX* who are bringing his vision to the screen. We discussed design, compositing and on the way we got some amazing behind the scenes quicktimes, showing how this amazing film is being made.


Digital Fusion Free Demo Copy

The friendly chaps at Eyeon have followed in Alias Wavefront’s footsteps and have released a free version of the new Digital Fusion Software DF4 for you to play with and test.


Artists in action: Jim Rygiel & Randy Cook LOTR

After just finishing the second installment of Lord of the Rings and on the eve of that film LOTR:The Two Towers being released December 18, Fxguide caught up with Jim Rygiel, Visual effects supervisor and Randy Cook, to discuss Weta, the LOTR trilogy, the 5 disc DVD and some of the technology behind this amazing achievement


Artist in Action: Ron Brinkman and HOPE

Many people know him as one of the creators of SHAKE, and author of The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, but Ron Brinkman is also a writer and director of a new short film “Hope”.

FXGuide caught up with Ron via Damian Allen, himself an experienced Shake compositor, Damian asked him about Hope, Shake and what he’s researching into next.


Who are you: FXGuide in focus

Did you ever wonder how FXguide got started, – or which are the best tips on the site? Ever wonder who you are, when you visit, or where you live ?

Starting in December we have a huge range of new things coming and we are keen to connect with you about what’s coming and where we are right now.


Mill Film closes

With great sadness we report that Mill Film in the UK shut its doors today. Mill film has been a truely great contributor of visual effects shots, most noticeable Gladiator, for which they won the Academy Award and many others such as Black Hawk Down.
